The first FRANCIS challenge will start soon! On 25 June, the project invited citizens to roll up their sleeves and spin ideas related to kitchen and household. The Stuttgart Science Festival presented various events for everyone, who is passionate about innovation. FRANCIS’ event team on the Fraunhofer Campus was particularly pleased with the many families who used the sunny day for a visit. Some participants even took a trip of more than two hours to get there. The workshop of FRANCIS was a joint activity with the association OneDollarGlasses that provides people all over the world with simple, affordable (= frugal) visual aids.

If you missed the event, don’t worry: In the next weeks there will be more events in Germany, India and Turkey as well as online. You can find out more via out social media channels soon. You already have ideas? Our buddies Till, Aahash and Marcel are looking forward to discuss them with you and to answer your questions (email: