by Liza Wohlfart | Jul 1, 2022 | Citizen, Frontpage
Endspurt für den ersten Ideen-Wettbewerb von FRANCIS! Am 25. Juni konnten Bürger*innen bereits die Ärmel hochkrempeln und Ideen rund um Küche und Haushalt spinnen. Im Rahmen des Stuttgarter Wissenschaftsfestivals gab es auf dem Fraunhofer Campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen...
by Venkata Gandikota | Mar 14, 2022 | Announcements, Frontpage, Students
Are you up for a unique research experience that can help us develop great solutions to improve people’s lives? The EC-funded FRANCIS project ( is looking for students interested in supporting an international Open Innovation challenge....
by Renaud Bissling | Feb 8, 2022 | Citizen, Frontpage
Background The European project “FRANCIS” aims at the development of frugal innovations through open innovation challenges that involve citizens. FRANCIS is the abbreviation for “Frugal innovation by citizens for citizens”. Besides citizens, the project involves...
by Agnes Grützner | Oct 20, 2021 | Citizen, Frontpage
On September 17, 2021, the first citizen roundtable as part of the FRANCIS project took place. Our aim of the project consortium was to gain more insights about motivations and barriers with which civil participants are confronted during projects with governmental,...
by Carmen Antuna Rozado | Oct 11, 2021 | Frontpage, Industry
At EU Project FRANCIS, we have held our first industry roundtable to share the findings from the literature review and interviews conducted in order to use this insights to prepare for the upcoming Frugal Innovation Challenges. It was very exciting to exchanges ideas...
by Francis | Mar 31, 2021 | Announcements, Frontpage
FRANCIS – Frugal innovations by the people for the people Frugal innovations Demand for affordable yet high-quality solutions is soaring. Fraunhofer and VTT, two of Europe’s most renowned research organisations, joined forces with manufacturing companies...